Now that we have a server that can receive a request over TCP, handle it and send a response back, it looks like a good time to start working on the client. We’ll also think about how we want to test our walking skeleton end-to-end.


Let’s grab the crude sequence diagram we drew in part 1 of this series and mark the parts we already covered in the two previous posts with a green color.

As you can see, our walking skeleton is almost an end-to-end skeleton. The only things left to do are to create a minimal client application, and write a main method for our server, so it can be started as a standalone program.


Before we start coding, I’d like to make some decisions.

How will the player interact with the client?

The specification doesn’t require any particular way of presenting the game to the player. As I’m the only stakeholder for this little project, and I happen to like ASCII-art based roguelike games, and I don’t feel like programming with Swing, or JavaFX or some other UI/graphics library, we’ll create a text-based user interface for the client. The player will control the his/her robot with the keyboard.

There, that was easy. Let’s think about testing.

Testing end-to-end

Up until now, we’ve created small tests, focused on small parts of the code. However, because we didn’t use test doubles1, every step up the call stack resulted in tests which covered more code. Now our goal with our walking skeleton is to get to a point where we can perform an end-to-end test of the tiny slice of functionality we created. That way we extend our test coverage to the deployment of our system and the integration of the various standalone components of the system2.

With an end-to-end test, rather than calling specific parts of the application code directly from our test code, we want to execute the test against the actual program. In our case, an end-to-end test scenario could look something like this:

  1. Install and configure the server, and start it up.
  2. Install and configure the client, and start it up.
  3. Perform a small, well chosen, number of scenarios to make sure that all components of the system are working together nicely.

If this were a “real” project, I would set up automated end-to-end tests as part of the walking skeleton, using test frameworks like Cypress or Robot Framework (in the case of web applications). For this little hobby project, I don’t mind having to execute end-to-end tests manually.

I will, however, keep on using the Humble Object pattern to separate code that performs keyboard and screen I/O from code that can be automatically tested with JUnit tests.

Let’s get to it

Humble socket client

The server has a humble SocketListener, which accepts incoming connections, passes requests to MessageReceiver and sends the response back to the client. Let’s mirror this in our client by creating a humble SocketClient.

So, I guess the test for our SocketClient should look something like our test for MessageReceiver. We need to set up a SocketListener for this, so our client module needs a test dependency on the server module. Let’s do that first.

dependencies {

Now, let’s write a test.

fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))
    val socketClient = SocketClient(socketListener.port)
    val result = socketClient.send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

Make it compile by creating the SocketClient class with a stubbed send method.

class SocketClient(port: Int) {
    fun send(message: String): String {
        return ""

Now the test compiles, and it fails: expected:<"[{"result":"OK"}]"> but was:<"[]">. Let’s make it pass. We’ll need to upgrade the constructor parameter port to a private property.

class SocketClient(private val port: Int) {
    fun send(message: String): String {
        return Socket("", port).use {
            sendMessage(it, message)

    private fun sendMessage(socket: Socket, message: String) {
        socket.getOutputStream().writer().apply {

    private fun receiveResponse(socket: Socket) =

That’s quite a chunk of code to write to make one single test pass. Truth is, I’ve committed a horrible sin by copy/pasted and adjusted some code from the SocketListenerTest class we wrote in the previous post. This means we’ve now got some duplication to eliminate. Also, I don’t like the way we start a SocketListener in our test. Let’s address the last issue first.


To start the SocketListener from our test, we need to set up all the internals of the server.

val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))

We’ve introduced coupling3 between the client module’s test code and the internal structure of the server. This means that if we change the internal structure of the server, we must change this code as well. That’s not good. We prefer our tests to be sensitive to the behaviour of the system, not to the structure of the system4.

Let’s refactor step by step. First, we’ll make a bit more explicit that the test needs to start the server, and needs to know what port the server is running on. We’ll introduce a port variable.

val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))
val port = socketListener.port
val socketClient = SocketClient(port)
val result = socketClient.send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

Then inline the socketListener variable.

val port = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World())).port
val socketClient = SocketClient(port)
val result = socketClient.send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

Now we can remove the knowledge about the server module’s internals from the test method by extracting a method.

fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
    val port = startServerApplication()
    val socketClient = SocketClient(port)
    val result = socketClient.send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

private fun startServerApplication() = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World())).port

Finally, let’s move the newly created startServerApplication function to the server module. I’ve put it in a new source file called ServerApplication.kt in the root package of the server module.

package nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds

fun startServerApplication() = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World())).port

There, we’ve encapsulated all knowledge about the internal structure of the server module into the startServerApplication function. By moving said function to the server module, we completely decoupled the test code in the client module from the internal structure of the server module.


Let’s look at the duplication we introduced. Look back at the SocketClient class earlier in this post, and compare it to what we have in SocketListenerTest.

fun `handles a command`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))
    val port = socketListener.port

    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) {
        Socket("", port).use { socket ->
            val response = receiveResponse(socket)


private fun sendLaunchCommand(socket: Socket) {
    socket.getOutputStream().writer().apply {
        write("""{ "command": "launch" }""" + "\n")

private fun receiveResponse(socket: Socket) =

Now this is not a 100% duplicate, but I think it’s fairly obvious that both classes create a socket connection, send a message and receive a response. If only we could use SocketClient in SocketListenerTest


I’m tempted to introduce a new module, named tcp-communication, move SocketClient to that module, and use this new module from the client and server module. But wait, why did we create separate modules for the server and the client? I don’t remember it being a very conscious decision. I guess I did it because I drew 2 separate containers in the container diagram. But now I think about it, having two separate containers just means that there are two separate processes. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they also need to be separate executables. We could just as well create one executable which can be started either in client or in server mode using a command-line switch.

Let’s simplify the module structure, so we have just one module: game. I’ll do it step by step, like this:

  1. Move all code from client/src/main/kotlin to server/src/main/kotlin
  2. Move all code from client/src/test/kotlin to server/src/test/kotlin
  3. Remove the client module
  4. Rename the server to game

Now there’s one thing I notice. In the client module I created a package called nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds.client, but in the server module I put everything in the nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds package. Let’s move the server code to nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds.server. All tests still pass, so everything went well.


Now that we have everything in one module, let’s see what we can do about the duplication we created. We’ll change the handles a command test in SocketListenerTest so it uses SocketClient.

fun `handles a command`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))
    val port = socketListener.port

    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) {
        val response = SocketClient(port).send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

The test passes, so we can delete the sendLaunchCommand and receiveResponse methods from SocketListenerTest, as those are not used anymore. Hmm, now there’s still duplication left. This test is basically the same as the test we wrote for SocketClient.

fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
    val port = startServerApplication()
    val socketClient = SocketClient(port)
    val result = socketClient.send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

The only differences are in how the socket listener is started and whether or not the test is timing out if no response is received for more than 1 second. One of these tests can be deleted, for sure. There’s no point in having two tests test exactly the same thing.

I like the one with the timeout better, because it’s a little more robust than the one without, so let’s keep that one. This means that we can delete the SocketClientTest class entirely, because it only contains the test we’re going to delete.

This leaves us with a bit of an awkward situation, because now SocketListenerTest is responsible for testing both SocketClient and SocketListener. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. After all, to me, the “unit” in unit testing is primarily a unit of behaviour - communication between client and server in this case - not a unit of structure (a particular class or function). The awkwardness is in the names of the test class and the tests.

So let’s just change the name of the test class to ClientServerCommunicationTest, and move it from the nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds.server package to nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds. Also, let’s change the initialisation part of the two tests to use the startServerApplication function, and rename handles a command to client can send a command to server over a TCP socket.

fun `listens on free TCP port when no port is given`() {
    val port = startServerApplication()

    Socket("", port).use {

fun `client can send a command to server over a TCP socket`() {
    val port = startServerApplication()

    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) {
        val response = SocketClient(port).send("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

I think I like where this is going. Let’s do a retrospective.


Horrible sin

I committed a horrible sin by copy/pasting code, but in my defense, we were in the red stage of the red/green/refactor cycle. When we’re in the red stage, our goal is to get to green as fast as possible, by any means necessary. And that’s what we did. In the refactor stage, we cleaned up our mess.

Working like this creates a very clear distinction between getting code to work and designing our code. Furthermore, as you can see from this little project so far, most of the design work is done after we get some code to work. We did very little design up front, and we did it just to get an idea of where we’re heading.

Why does TDD work like this? Why do we refactor afterwards, instead of designing it “the right way” up front? In my experience, no matter how much design you do up front, refactoring afterwards will always be necessary to keep the code clean and well-factored. We just cannot foresee and account for every design issue we will face. When we’re writing the code, and when we’re mindful of what we’re creating, that’s when the most valuable design insights occur, because the code is right in front of us, and not in some fantasy in our minds.


By eliminating the duplication we introduced, we ended up with a test class which tests the communication between the client and the server. We started out by testing the SocketListener by creating some stub client code, because that’s all we could do at that point. When we created the SocketClient class, we didn’t need the stub code anymore and replaced it with the actual client code. The result is what I would call an integration test.

I’ve seen code bases where “integration tests” consisted of client code being tested by stubbing or mocking the server in some way, and of server code being tested by stubbing the client. To me, this is not integration testing. If we want to test whether two components integrate well, the best possible way to do that is by letting them actually “talk” to each other. As we’ve seen, this doesn’t just result in testing the actual integration between components. It also results in the elimination of duplication and all the risks that come with it.

Let’s see if we can finish our walking skeleton next time, so we can start building some real end-to-end features. Thanks for reading, see you next time!

PS: Here’s the source code so far:

  1. Or mocks, as most people call them. In reality, a mock is only one of many kinds of test doubles. Take a look at the Test Double patterns on if you want to know more about the terminology around test doubles. ↩︎

  2. There’s a lot more to say about end-to-end testing and testing strategy in general, but that’s beyond the scope of this series. ↩︎

  3. Watch Kent Beck explain what coupling is↩︎

  4. Again, watch Kent Beck: Test Desiderata 2/12 Tests Should be Structure-Insensitive↩︎