Our walking skeleton is no more than an undead skull at the moment. Some more bones need to be added to make it a fully fledged skeleton. Let’s see if we can set up communication between the client and the server.


So where are we? In the first post in this series, we established a general idea of what the architecture of the game looks like, and we started creating a walking skeleton. We started at the bottom of the call stack, and we’re working our way up, step by step.


Today, I would like to start setting up communication between the client and the server over a TCP socket. For that, we’ll need to serialize and deserialize the messages to/from JSON, and send JSON over a TCP socket. Let’s see if we can invoke the launch command by sending it in JSON format to the server. But first…

Returning a result

Looking at our launch command, I notice that it’s not returning a result.

fun handleRequest(request: Request) {

According to the spec, every command must return a result, so let’s fix that first. Remember, for our walking skeleton, we return a very simple result:

  "result": "OK"

So let’s first change our test.

fun `execute a launch command`() {
    val world = World()
    val result = world.handleRequest(Request(command = "launch"))
    assertThat(result).isEqualTo(CommandResult(result = "OK"))

This doesn’t compile, because the CommandResult class does not exist yet. Let’s create that first.

class CommandResult(result: String)

Good enough for now. Now our test fails: expected:<[nl.dirkgroot.robotworlds.CommandResult@750e2b97]> but was:<[kotlin.Unit]>. That looks ugly. Let’s make it prettier:

data class CommandResult(val result: String)

Data classes in Kotlin are a convenient way to create classes that are meant to hold data. Among other things, the Kotlin compiler automatically provides data classes with equals, hashCode and toString. The generatedtoString method makes the error message look nicer.

There, that’s a lot better: expected:<[CommandResult(result=OK)]> but was:<[kotlin.Unit]>. Now, let’s make the test pass.

fun handleRequest(request: Request): CommandResult {
    return CommandResult(result = "OK")


We’re still working on the game server. Now that we have a basic launch command working, let’s see what we need to add to the server so we can invoke it using a JSON message. Let’s ignore the TCP part for now and take a small step up the call stack. I think we’ll need a MessageReceiver which translates JSON messages to invocations of World::handleRequest.

No, let’s back off a little bit, and first make sure we can create a Request from JSON. If we have that in place, creating a MessageReceiver should be trivial.

fun `create a request from JSON`() {
    val request = Request.fromJSON("""{ "command": "launch" }""")
    assertThat(request).isEqualTo(Request(command = "launch"))

I’ll let IntelliJ generate a stub for Request::fromJSON.

class Request(command: String) {
    companion object {
        fun fromJSON(json: String): Request {
            TODO("Not yet implemented")

Now our test fails, of course: An operation is not implemented: Not yet implemented. Let’s use Kotlin serialization to implement this.

fun fromJSON(json: String): Request {
    return Json.decodeFromString(json)

Still fails: Serializer for class 'Request' is not found. Mark the class as @Serializable or provide the serializer explicitly. Request needs to be serializable.

class Request(command: String)

Now we get a compiler error: “This class is not serializable automatically because it has primary constructor parameters that are not properties”. Okay, let’s make command a property.

class Request(val command: String)

Now our test fails with an ugly message: expected:<...robotworlds.Request@[4de025bf]> but was:<...robotworlds.Request@[538613b3]>. I suspect this is because Request doesn’t have an equals implementation, so let’s upgrade it to a data class, like we did with CommandResult.

data class Request(val command: String)

That was nice and easy. Now let’s move on to our MessageReceiver.

Launch with JSON

First, we’ll try to invoke the launch command using a JSON message.

class MessageReceiverTest {
    fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
        val world = World()
        val messageReceiver = MessageReceiver(world)
        messageReceiver.receive("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

Doesn’t compile of course, so let’s create the MessageReceiver class, with a receive method.

class MessageReceiver(world: World) {
    fun receive(jsonMessage: String) {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

Implement it to make the test pass. For this, we’ll have to make the constructor parameter world a class member.

class MessageReceiver(private val world: World) {
    fun receive(jsonMessage: String) {
        val request = Request.fromJSON(jsonMessage)

I’d like receive to return the result in JSON format, so let’s make sure we can serialize CommandResult to JSON.

class CommandResultTest {
    fun `serialize to JSON`() {
        val json = CommandResult(result = "OK").toJSON()
        assertThat(json).isEqualTo("""{ "result": "OK" }""")

Implement it in one fell swoop and use Kotlin serialization again.

data class CommandResult(val result: String) {
    fun toJSON(): String {
        return Json.encodeToString(this)

The test fails: expected:<"{[ "result": "OK" ]}"> but was:<"{["result":"OK"]}">. Ah, apparently Json.encodeToString uses as few spaces as possible. Let’s adjust the test.


Done. Now let’s change MessageReceiver::receive to return a result in JSON format.

fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
    val world = World()
    val messageReceiver = MessageReceiver(world)
    val result = messageReceiver.receive("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

This fails with expected:<["{"result":"OK"}"]> but was:<[kotlin.Unit]>. We’ll use the CommandResult returned by World::handleRequest as our return value.

fun receive(jsonMessage: String): String {
    val request = Request.fromJSON(jsonMessage)
    return world.handleRequest(request).toJSON()

A little refactoring

In the previous article, we already had a suspicion that World would eventually need to be split up. Now that we have a MessageReceiver in place, it’s becoming obvious that World::handleRequest is out of place. Remember, its job is to take a request, execute the requested command, and return a result. Its responsibility is focused on request and response messages. I think the primary responsibility of World should be to handle game logic. It shouldn’t need to worry about messages, and MessageReceiver seems like a much better place for that. So let’s move handleRequest to MessageReceiver.

I’ll start by copy-pasting handleRequest to MessageReceiver, change receive to use MessageReceiver::handleRequest instead of World::handleRequest, and make it compile.

fun receive(jsonMessage: String): String {
    val request = Request.fromJSON(jsonMessage)
    return handleRequest(request).toJSON()

fun handleRequest(request: Request): CommandResult {
    return CommandResult(result = "OK")

Tests still pass. Now we have two similar tests for the launch command, one in WorldTest and one in MessageReceiverTest. This is the one in WorldTest.

fun `execute a launch command`() {
    val world = World()
    val result = world.handleRequest(Request(command = "launch"))
    assertThat(result).isEqualTo(CommandResult(result = "OK"))

And here’s the test in MessageReceiverTest.

fun `invoke launch command with JSON message`() {
    val world = World()
    val messageReceiver = MessageReceiver(world)
    val result = messageReceiver.receive("""{ "command": "launch" }""")

These tests are basically the same, except that the test for MessageReceiver is using JSON, and the test for World is using a Request object. Now, we could do two things: We could move the test in WorldTest to MessageReceiverTest and change it, so it uses MessageReceiver::handleRequest, or we could just delete the test in WorldTest. Let’s get rid of this duplication by deleting the test in WorldTest.

Tests still pass. Now that the duplicate test is gone, World::handleRequest is not used anywhere, so we can delete that as well. Finally, we can make MessageReceiver::handleRequest private, because it’s only used in MessageReceiver::receive.

private fun handleRequest(request: Request): CommandResult {
    return CommandResult(result = "OK")

Are you being served?

Now, let’s start setting up a TCP socket listener.

class SocketListenerTest {
    fun `listens on free TCP port when no port is given`() {
        val socketListener = SocketListener()
        val port = socketListener.port

        val socket = Socket("", port)



Create the SocketListener class.

class SocketListener {
    val port = 1

And, as expected, our test fails: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused. Making it pass is simple.

class SocketListener {
    private val serverSocket = ServerSocket(0)

    val port get() = serverSocket.localPort

We initialize the ServerSocket with port 0, so it will automatically choose an available port. If we pick a fixed port, there’s always a (small) risk that port is already taken, which could lead to flaky tests on the CI/CD pipeline. We don’t want flaky tests, so I’ll do whatever I can do to prevent that from happening.

The test code is a little verbose, so let’s make it more readable by using Kotlin’s handy dandy use extension.

fun `listens on free TCP port when no port is given`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener()
    val port = socketListener.port

    Socket("", port).use {

That’s a lot better. Now let’s see if we can make it handle a request.

fun `handles a command`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener()
    val port = socketListener.port

    Socket("", port).use {
        it.getOutputStream().writer().write("""{ "command": "launch" }""")
        val response = it.getInputStream().bufferedReader().readLine()


There’s a number of things that can be improved in this code, but let’s first see what happens. The SocketListener is not handling any messages, so the test waits indefinitely for a response. That’s not ideal. We want our test to fail, not to wait forever. Let’s fix that by using JUnit’s assertTimeoutPreemptively1.

fun `handles a command`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener()
    val port: Int = socketListener.port

    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) {
        Socket("", port).use {
            it.getOutputStream().writer().write("""{ "command": "launch" }""")
            val response = it.getInputStream().bufferedReader().readLine()


Now the test properly fails. The timeout of 1 second is my arbitrary choice. It’s always risky to have these kinds of tests, because they tend to be flaky. For now, I’m okay with this, because I’ll probably only be running these tests on my developer laptop, and I don’t think it will be flaky. If it is, I’ll just run the test again, or increase the timeout.

Let’s see if we can make the test pass. To do that, we’ll need to start a separate thread which handles requests in the background. We’ll also need to hand our SocketListener a MessageReceiver, so it will be able to handle the messages it receives. Let’s first change the instantiation of SocketListener in our test.

val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))

Now we need to change the SocketListener constructor.

class SocketListener(private val messageReceiver: MessageReceiver)

And finally we need to start the thread and handle the request.

init {
    Thread {
        serverSocket.accept().use {
            val request = it.getInputStream().bufferedReader().readLine()
            val response = messageReceiver.receive(request)


This fails with a timeout. Ah, I forgot to send a newline after the request message. Let’s change that.

it.getOutputStream().writer().write("""{ "command": "launch" }""" + "\n")

It still fails. Apparently I’m doing something wrong, but it isn’t immediately obvious to me what that is. I see no other option than to use the debugger. Okay, so the SocketListener keeps blocking on val request = it.getInputStream().bufferedReader().readLine(). Do we need to flush the writer? Let’s try.

it.getOutputStream().writer().apply {
    write("""{ "command": "launch" }""" + "\n")

Te test still fails: expected:<"{"result":"OK"}"> but was:<null>. It looks like we also need to flush in SocketListener.

it.getOutputStream().writer().apply {

Yes, that does the trick. Now, our code can be improved a bit, so let’s do that. First of all, let’s make our test code a bit more readable.

fun `handles a command`() {
    val socketListener = SocketListener(MessageReceiver(World()))
    val port = socketListener.port

    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) {
        Socket("", port).use { socket ->
            val response = receiveResponse(socket)


private fun sendLaunchCommand(socket: Socket) {
    socket.getOutputStream().writer().apply {
        write("""{ "command": "launch" }""" + "\n")

private fun receiveResponse(socket: Socket) =

Now it’s a bit clearer what our test is actually doing. Let’s do something similar in SocketListener.

init {
    Thread {
        serverSocket.accept().use {
            val request = receiveRequest(it)
            val response = messageReceiver.receive(request)

            sendResponse(it, response)

private fun receiveRequest(socket: Socket) =

private fun sendResponse(socket: Socket, response: String) {
    socket.getOutputStream().writer().apply {

I think this is a good moment to call it a day, let’s do a little retrospective.


Everything went smooth, until we started messing with sockets. I don’t frequently work with sockets or input/output streams, so the need for flushing wasn’t immediately obvious to me. This is what typically happens when you’re working on the “edges” of the system. That’s where we need to deal with I/O, or databases, or queues, and often times non intuitive API’s.

Humble object

This is why I keep as much logic as possible separated from the code that has to deal with these kinds of API’s. That way, we maximize the amount of code that can easily be tested and understood. This is what’s called the Humble Object pattern. Our SocketListener is a humble object. Its only responsibilies are to accept connections, pass messages on to MessageReceiver and send the result back to the client.


Our SocketListener is far from done. It accepts one connection, handles one request and then stops. However, our goal is not to build a working feature, but to get just enough functionality working to allow us to start working on the first real feature. Our focus is not on functionality, but on setting up the general structure of the program and making sure it’s all testable.

I’m relentlessly applying the YAGNI principle to get to our walking skeleton. I’m happily leaving out anything that is not strictly necessary for our goals. We’ll see if I’m going to regret doing that, but I think I won’t. Time will tell 😃.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in the next one. You can find my source code on GitHub: https://github.com/dirkgroot/robot-worlds.

  1. This assertion asserts that the lambda finishes before a timeout is exceeded. Read the the JavaDocs for more information. ↩︎